MOKATE INGREDIENTS are latest technologies that care for the safety, health and quality preferences of the consumer.
MOKATE INGREDIENTS are trained professionals in sales, technology, production and negotiations.
Research and development
A specialist unit operates in Mokate that is engaged with constant development of products, research on new ingredients and recipes. The plant is fitted with a modern R&D laboratory.
Innovative products
Constant development enables us to provide our customers with unique products, such as premium foaming bases, instant products soluble at room temperature, products with RSPO certificate, products with MCT oil.
Quality Control System
The effective quality control system, following current standards, professional laboratory and the experienced and trained personnel guarantee the quality of our products. Suppliers of materials for manufacturing are subject to strict inspection and verification.
With the advanced physical and chemical laboratory, we conduct detailed analyses of materials and products. The research is conducted according to the methods set out in the Polish and European standards with specialist apparatus.
The sample basic equipment of Mokate laboratory includes modern devices that allow to, inter alia: determine the fat content with Soxhlet method, determine the protein content with Kjeldahl method, quickly analyze the fat and protein content of any production batch, determine the ash content by mineralization of samples, determine the free and condensed bulk density, verify Bactrac microbiologic properties, analyze the product structure, such as, compressive strength.
More than 80-people team of experts is constantly working on developing new products and applications and monitors the quality and safety of solutions offered.
Premium Foaming Bases
A unique composition of ingredients and encapsulated gas upon dissolving a product form a stable, dense and tasty foam on the surface of Cappuccino. The products are an excellent alternative to foamed instant milk from express machine. Addressing the customer expectations and creating new trends, Mokate Company added to its offer: foaming bases composed of only natural raw materials, such as foamed milk; foaming bases with a very high and stable foam MOKA CB HF, clean label; foaming bases with TRANS fatty acids content < 1%, foaming bases acting as a foaming agent and creamer – 2 in 1 solution, foaming bases, dissolved in cold.
Instant Products Dissolved in Room Temperature
The proper choice of raw materials and production technology allowed to create and add products that are moistened and dissolved in room temperature. In this product category, Mokate offers: foaming agents dissolved in room temperatures, creamers dissolved in room temperature, milk mixtures dissolved in room temperature. To provide customers with the best experience of using our products, we make use of the full spectrum of innovations, from ingredients to technologies and understanding the perception of our products.
Products with RPSO Certificate (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil)
Mokate belongs to the RPSO Organization that gathers planters, manufacturers and sellers of African oil palm. The goal of this Organization is to promote the effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing methods and use of raw material. The tool used to achieve this goal is the RPSO Certification. RPSO Certificate is a proof of our care for the natural environment and sustained development of the Earth. Mokate added to its offer products manufactured on raw materials with RPSO certificate, including: drink creamers; powdered fats for soups, sauces, dips, ice-creams and many other uses.
Products with MCT Oil
Medium Chain Triglycerides are appreciated by active persons, sportsmen, those with digestion illnesses and people who want to get rid of excess fat tissue. MCT fats break down quickly and require no high energy input. With MCT fats, digestion in the digestive tract takes longer so that the feeling of satiety is greater and the nutrients are absorbed better. MCT fats are used by our bodies in the first order – before any other fats. Mokate offers products based on MCT in its portfolio. An example can be the cappuccino basis (creamer), dissolved at room temperature.